10 Commandments For A Healthy Vag Ina: Every Woman Must Know

This is an exclusive blog post by medical doctor, Dami Daniel. "...If only you can adhere to the commandments and let its principles not depart from your sight..." A clean and healthy Vj (as some of you might call it) has become the Holy Grail for most young ladies, but achieving this feat is as easy as riding a bicycle. If only you can adhere to the commandments and let its principles not depart from your sight. 1. THOU SHALL NOT DOUCHE This is the first and most important commandment of a healthy vagina. The vagina is self-cleansing; I repeat the Va gina is self-cleansing!! You putting in stuff to wash it or make it smell better will damage its ability to self-clean. You can however wash the outside of your Vj with baby soap and water while having a regular bath, but please endeavor to leave the inner parts of your vagina alone. 2. THOU SHALL WEAR COTTON PANTIES OVER ANY OTHER MATERIALS Whether its Victoria's secret or handmade, the importance of cotton panties cannot be overemphasized. It dries quickly so it helps avoid dampening environment where bacteria can grow. Also it allows passage of air unlike the nylon panties that prevent air passage and encourages yeast infection. So when next you visit the store stay away from fancy silk, lacy or synthetic materials( save them for special occasions maybe). 3. THOU SHALL REGULARLY TRIM YOUR PUBIC HAIR Haba…are we growing a forest down there lady? Hair is good, too much” No, No! Many women take trimming the pubic hair for granted. Fortunately like trimming the under arm hair, trimming vaginal hair helps keep the vagina healthy and clear of ODOUR. Excessive pubic hair can cause increased moisture which can encourage bacteria growth and also hair infections such as folliculitis etc. Hence, trim next weekend. 4. THOU SHALL STAY AWAY FROM V AGINAL SPRAYS, SOAPS AND BUBBLE BATH Young women commonly use v agina products which are never necessary since we reiterated that the vagina is self-cleaning. The FDA U.S studies show that vaginal products cause more harm than good. The sprays do not clear odors instead they alter the vagina PH and predispose the vagina to irritation and invasion by bacteria colony. Stay away from such and keep your privates natural. 5. THOU SHALL CLEAN FROM FRONT TO BACK Many ladies visit the gynecology clinic scared, saying they have toilet infection, recounting how they visited their friend’s house and used their toilet just to come down with an infection. Truth is many women introduce these infections themselves by cleaning their down below from the back to the front, in so doing they transport bacteria in the anal region into the va gina. Clean instead from front to back with clean wipes. 6. THOU SHALL REGULARLY WEAR LOOSE FITTING CLOTHES It’s good to look sexy, however regular tight clothing like skinny pants or tight bum shorts can have effects on the vagina like that of nylon pants (ref. 2nd commandment). Tight clothing trap moisture and fluid which can cause yeast, bacterial infection and commonly rash, unlike loose clothing. So when next you visit the tailor leave some width to breathe. 7. THOU SHALL DRINK PLENTY OF WATER Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! These days women focus on wine, juice, soda to quench their thirst. They often forget that water has many therapeutic effects on the whole body and helps purify the vagina. It also helps through urination, to clean the urethra from pelvic infections. 8. THOU SHALL MONITOR STRANGE V AGINAL BEHAVIOR Do not take laws into your hands, this is why doctors exist. If you notice any changes down there like itch, odor, discharge or pain, do not go ahead and take a cocktail of over the counter drugs or vaginal creams and adjuncts products. Instead consult your nearest physician quickly. 9. THOU SHALL DO REGULAR PAP SMEAR The rate of cervical and vaginal cancers in the world is very high and Nigerians are not excluded either. Pap smear helps detect cancer causing viruses and pre-cancerous cells in the vagina so once y

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